The story begins with the death of iconic punk rock superstar Luke Mandrake, who finds himself transported to Famebeau, a surreal limbo populated by dead celebrities. But Famebeau is more than a holding tank for famous ghosts. It is the seedbed for the development of new gods, and a dynamic engine for reinvigorating old archetypes.
Imagine if dead celebrities lived on in a realm where they could continue to interact with us through dreams and symbols. Imagine them trapped in their identities by their fame, managing their images among the living through elaborate supernatural mechanisms.
Imagine if our dead culture heroes could eventually become gods.
An adventurous and uncensored journey into the realm of the collective unconscious and its evolving archetypes, The Goddammerung is the series smart new adults are hankering for. If Camille Paglia wrote fiction for adults in the vein of Rick Riordan’s Lightning Thief, this would be that book.
A twenty-first century iteration of ancient mythology, retold from a feminine, erotic, gender-fluid perspective, The Goddammerung follows a cast of characters in an epic, interweaving tale that culminates in all-out war between those allied with the Warrior Gods and those who support the cause of the peaceful Goddesses of Olympos.
The Goddammerung is a novel series about gender, freedom and identity for an era of change and individual empowerment. Drawing upon archetypal figures, it explores how the dynamics between culture and the realm of the subconscious reflect the evolution of sexual identities, artistic expression, social realities and the potential of the human spirit.
The series is above all a searingly funny, knowing and persuasive indictment of hypocrisy and misogyny, and of the self-perpetuating culture of violence and rape. The Goddammerung depicts a point of crisis in that cultural history, one that has played out over several millennia, with apocalyptic consequences.