Announcing the Motherflower Rebirthing Project
Rebecca Migdal, December 20, 2022
Motherflower is a ceremonial performance that combines art, music and poetry, invoking and healing our connection to the feminine divine. At the center is a rebirthing flower that embraces the participant in a cocoon-like, fragrant womb while art, poetry, music and song create an environment rich in visual and vibrational warmth. The Motherflower journey will be sustained by offerings, symbolic and physical exchanges of materials and energy at global sites where the Mother Goddess has been honored, connecting sacred goddess places around the world in a web of wholeness.

A Global Offering of Archetypal Interconnectedness
I am currently working on my doctoral dissertation in Jungian Studies. As part of my research, I plan to visit sites that carry strong connections to the feminine divine. My intention is to make offerings and hold space for listening, allowing the place to teach me. I hope to learn from Nature and the Earth through creative listening and response. While my approach arises directly from my dream work, depth psychology and art making practice, it is informed by what I know of First Nations traditional spiritual teachings, as well as ancient cultures, religion and myths from my own lineage. I believe connecting to sacred places is a powerful way to become more aligned to the great dance.
The plan is to conduct healing goddess ceremonies and make small offerings of minerals, shell and organic materials, and also elements like water and soil. The purpose is to heal and be healed by a deeper connection to the feminine divine. The method is to attend to the ways the earth speaks to us, in the language of dreams and imagination, and through the human-modified ritual landscape, where architecture holds space for the sacred power of Nature.

Encountering Wholeness
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
There is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
-Rumi (trans. C. Barks, J. Moyne)
An encounter with the Goddess, with Nature, requires that we acknowledge both darkness and light as divine and necessary.
I have learned that in Nature one is surrounded by signifiers and synchronicities that reveal the hidden pattern in which we are all enmeshed. To resonate in harmony with this pattern, we open our schedule to what emerges.
Come for the Art, Stay for the Healing
So far our itinerary looks like this:
(We will be adding information and performance dates and times in the coming days.)
Vilcabamba, Ecuador
Ceremonial Offering and Motherflower Performance,
Date and Time TBA
January 4, 2023, 4-5 pm, La Finca Sagrada, Vilcabamba, Ecuador
Ceremonial Offering and Motherflower Performance,
Spirit House
January 8, Cuenca, Ecuador
Ceremonial Offering January 8, 2023, Time TBA,
Baños de Agua Santa
January 11, 2023 4-9 pm Paris, France:
Ceremonial Offering, Date and Time TBA,
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris,
6 Parvis Notre-Dame – Pl. Jean-Paul II, 75004 Paris, France
Motherflower Performance,
Galerie Joseph Paris, 116 rue Turenne, 75003 Paris, France
January 14 Prague, Czechia:
Ceremonial Offering, Time TBA,
House of the Black Madonna,
Ovocný trh 19, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia
Motherflower Performance: TBA
If you wish to attend and participate in one of these events, you are gladly welcome to email me at rebecca@rlmigdal.com. You can also check back on this page for updates.
If you have a place in mind where we could make an offering or do a performance during our itinerary, please let us know!